Monday, June 22, 2009


Saturday, June 20th was the BEST day of JHS ever!
why? bc it's the day of my graduation (i graduated and my nem was 35,65/40,00 wich is like 8,9 in average, it was way better than what i expected) and more importantly on Saturday night, the absolutely crazy party was held! the party was WILD (but still good). There were bands, fancy food, well, teacher, parents, my friends (for sure ), dj, and the best thing was THE DANCE FLOOR. My friends and i love the dance floor. aight, enough talking, i'm gonna show ya some pics, enjoy peeps.

No, we weren't going to eat each other


Me and my (current) tablemates

You have NO idea how hot it was

The Girls and I

View from above


Arab and his Crazy (weird) new move, me begging for water, and thasya looking at arab like, "weirrrd"

happy much?

Finnaly, a calm picture of my friends and I

GOSH, i'm so gonna miss that night (i already do tho)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 entertaiment / entertainer that made my summer

10 entertaiment / entertainer that made my summer

10. Dangereous Muse
my favorite track : Give Me Danger & The Rejection

9. The Friday Night Boys
my favorite track : you do, you don't & Permanent Heartbreak

8. How I Met Your MotherWhy? bc it's just so funny and entertaining

7. Cobra Starshipmy favorite track : Guilty Pleasure & Damn You Look Good and I'm Drunk (Scandalous)

6. All Time Lowmy favorite tracks : Remembering Sunday & Dear Maria, Count Me In

5. CSI : NY

4. 3oh!3
my favorite tracks : Starstrukk, Electroshock, Punkbitch & Richman

3. Danger Radio
my favorite tracks: Your Kind (Speak To Me), Used and Abused, Kiss N' Tell, Slow Dance With a Stranger & You All Believe

2. Dirty Sexy Money
why? it's just so damn addicting

1. Twitter, MSN, and Skype

why? bc with these, i can still contact my friends on holiday, which i love

that's it. it's the 10(?) things that made my holiday. see ya in ma next post, bye bloggers

Thursday, June 11, 2009


the long awaited starstrukk video from 3oh!3 is now out!

3OH!3 - STARSTRUKK (Official Video)

any thoughts?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MMA 09

Oke, di post ini topicnya adalah MTV MOVIE AWAARDS 2009. Taun ini lucunya parah deh, liat aja videonya di bawah haha.
oh iya, daftar pemenangnya nih

Best Movie

Best Male Performance

Best Female Performance

Breakthrough Performance Male

] Breakthrough Performance Female

Best Comedic Performance

Best Villain

Best Kiss

Best Fight

Best WTF Moment

Best Song from a Movie

MTV Generation Award

(ketauan ngopi banget ya -_-)

Oke deh, seperti yang udah gue janjikan, nih videonya, kocak parah deh, pasti ngakak liatnya haha

Yang ini video pembukaanya gitu deh. Kocak dan goblok banget ini sebenernya

Yang kedua ini itu pas mau ngumumin suatu award, kayak ada malaikat gitu terbang diatas, terus jatoh ke eminem. haha, liat deh.

Yang ini juga kocak banget ya. Ini pas mau ngumumin best kiss gitu. Sandra Bullock sama Ryan Reynoldsnya kayak ngomong ngomong gitu, cuma ngomong, tapi sangat mengocok perut deh haha

Yang ini pas rob dan kristen nrima best kiss awards gitu, awalnya udah kayak mau ciuman gitu, eh tiba tiba kristenya langsung ngomong gitu haha, coba liat deh

Yang ini masih dari kristen stewart. Jadi ini dia lagi nerima award best female performance gitu, terus dengan pintarnya dia jatohin golden popcornya gitu terus langsung ngomong 'bye' terus kayak kabur panik gitu

Yang ini trailer yang udah ditunggu tunggu sama semua orang (cewek) ya sepertinya, ya trailer new moon. enjoy

ya itu lah kegilaan MMA taun ini, mari kita liat taun dpn kayak apa, oke deh bloggers, maaf ga penting, sekian dulu, bubye